If You Build It: Growing a Business God’s Way

Value Creators


One thing we learned from our time in professional baseball was that if you were good, scouts would find you. You don’t have to sell yourself. Your game would do all the selling for you. Consistently gunning down runners at second as a catcher or smashing doubles off the wall would eventually catch the eyes of the scouts.


We quickly discovered that business is the same. You shouldn’t worry about begging to get eyes on what you’re doing. In fact, when we started franchising our business, we spent a grand total of 0 dollars on marketing. We just committed it to the Lord and created value. We lead with value, and opportunities chased us down. Or, in the words of one of our favorite baseball movies, “If you build it, they will come.” If you build an excellent business and put the needs of the client ahead of your own, profit will come, eventually.


If you speak to a dozen experts you’ll get a dozen opinions on the latest marketing tactics. We discovered that the best marketing is simply excellent work..and let marketing fall in behind that.


Throughout our years as business owners, we’ve boiled down excellent work into five core principles.


Be Faithful in Little
If you can’t make your bed in the morning and get to a meeting on time (little things), then it’s not likely that you’ll be able to scale a massively successful business (big things).


Be a Fountain and not a Drain
John 7:38 – “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” Christians in the marketplace should have a refreshing effect on those around them.


Breathe Life
Wherever we go, we live, speak, and support life, both spiritually and physically.


Be a Producer and Not a Consumer
The world doesn’t need more passive consumers. We need proactive producers who not only fulfill their duty but go above and beyond.


Give More in Value than You Take in Pay
Create true value in the lives of others, and opportunities will continue to present themselves.